453 research outputs found

    Advanced characterisation of FePt nanoparticles using X-ray, neutron and electron analytical probes

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    Nanoparticles, of the same alloy, can exhibit many different chemical and physical properties, which can drastically influence their behaviour. Elucidation of these properties is a vital pre-requisite to enabling nanoparticles to be engineered and optimised for specific commercial applications, such as; next-generation high-density data storage devices, biomedical nanodevices, and high performance nano-catalytic devices. Within this study the following FePt nanoparticles with oleic acid and olelyamine surfactants were chemically synthesised at the Healthcare Biomagnetics and Nanomaterials Laboratory: ultrafine FePt nanospheres (with isotopic substitutions of surfactants); FePt nanocubes; FePt@Fe3O4 (core@shell) spherical nanoparticles; and FePt octapods. Advanced nano-characterisation methods were used—through access to state-of-the-art electron microscopy facilities, at the Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology—to gain a comprehensive analysis of the crystallographic structure, compositional distribution, 3D morphology, and 2D strain distribution of FePt nanoparticles. The 2D strain gradients were resolved using a geometric phase analysis method utilising an in-house software program. Bragg coherent X-ray diffraction imaging (BCDI) measurements of FePt nanoparticles and AuPd nanoparticles were conducted at beamline 34-ID-C of the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, to quantitatively reconstruct the nanoparticles’ 3D morphology and strain distribution. Novel stabilisation methodologies were developed to resolve the size limitations of the BCDI technique; extending the size regime for other synchrotron users. High-energy neutron-diffraction measurements of isotopic substitutions of FePt nanoparticles in solution were conducted at the Nimrod beamline at the Rutherford Appleton Neutron Facility. Neutron pair distribution function (PDF) analysis enabled the structural properties of the surfactant layer to be extracted. Complementary highenergy powder diffraction measurements conducted at beamline I15 of the Diamond Light Source enabled the structural properties of the FePt nanoparticle to be extracted from X-ray PDF analysis. A 3D reconstruction of FePt nanoparticles and the surrounding surfactant layer was built using a nanoparticle modelling software program for future refinement with experimental data

    Confronto fra valutazioni del run-up fatte con un modello matematico e una formula empirica con misure di campo

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    La posizione planimetrica della linea di riva, soli tamente, viene determinata attraverso l\u2019uso di immagini aeree ed utilizzata pe r la ricostruzione dell\u2019evoluzione storica dei litorali. Tuttavia, le informazioni est ratte da tali immagini, descrivendo il confine istantaneo acqua-terra, consentono l\u2019indivi duazione della linea di riva esclusivamente come limite asciutto-bagnato proprio nel momento della ripresa. Per una pi\uf9 corretta localizzazione della linea di riva , \ue8 quindi necessario quantificare, oltre agli effetti di marea e di trasporto solido, gli effetti prodotti dal moto ondoso su tale posizione e in particolare il cosiddetto ru n-up. Nel presente lavoro si studia il run-up in una spia ggia naturale a debole pendenza ricadente nella Sicilia occidentale. Lo studio geom orfologico del sito precede lo studio idraulico, che partendo dalle misure di onde al largo, attraverso la loro trasposizione e la propagazione simulata con un mod ello matematico, porta alla stima delle onde sotto costa. Queste ultime sono ut ilizzate per valutare il run-up sia mediante una nota formula empirica sia utilizzando un modello numerico alla Boussinesq con una nuova condizione al contorno per la linea di riva. Il confronto dei risultati con le misure di campo mostra che i r isultati migliori si ottengono con la formula empirica, nella quale \ue8 tuttavia necessa rio calibrare i coefficienti con misure in situ

    Novel silica stabilization method for the analysis of fine nanocrystals using coherent X-ray diffraction imaging

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    High-energy X-ray Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (BCDI) is a well established synchrotron-based technique used to quantitatively reconstruct the three-dimensional morphology and strain distribution in nanocrystals. The BCDI technique has become a powerful analytical tool for quantitative investigations of nanocrystals, nanotubes, nanorods and more recently biological systems. BCDI has however typically failed for fine nanocrystals in sub-100 nm size regimes – a size routinely achievable by chemical synthesis – despite the spatial resolution of the BCDI technique being 20–30 nm. The limitations of this technique arise from the movement of nanocrystals under illumination by the highly coherent beam, which prevents full diffraction data sets from being acquired. A solution is provided here to overcome this problem and extend the size limit of the BCDI technique, through the design of a novel stabilization method by embedding the fine nanocrystals into a silica matrix. Chemically synthesized FePt nanocrystals of maximum dimension 20 nm and AuPd nanocrystals in the size range 60–65 nm were investigated with BCDI measurement at beamline 34-ID-C of the APS, Argonne National Laboratory. Novel experimental methodologies to elucidate the presence of strain in fine nanocrystals are a necessary pre-requisite in order to better understand strain profiles in engineered nanocrystals for novel device development

    Quantitative two-dimensional strain mapping of small core-shell FePt@Fe3O4 nanoparticles

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    We report a facile one-pot chemical synthesis of colloidal FePt@Fe3O4 core–shell nanoparticles (NPs) with an average diameter of 8.7 ± 0.4 nm and determine their compositional morphology, microstructure, two-dimensional strain, and magnetic hysteresis. Using various state-of-the-art analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM) characterization techniques—including high resolution TEM imaging, TEM tomography, scanning TEM-high angle annular dark field imaging, and scanning TEM-energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy elemental mapping—we gain a comprehensive understanding of the chemical and physical properties of FePt@Fe3O4 NPs. Additional analysis using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, and superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry distinguishes the oxide phase and determines the magnetic properties. The geometric phase analysis method is effective in revealing interfacial strain at the core–shell interface. This is of fundamental interest for strain engineering of nanoparticles for desirable applications

    Bragg coherent diffraction imaging of iron diffusion into gold nanocrystals

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    Understanding how diffusion takes place within nanocrystals is of great importance for their stability and for controlling their synthesis. In this study, we used the strain sensitivity of Bragg coherent diffraction imaging (BCDI) to study the diffusion of iron into individual gold nanocrystals in situ at elevated temperatures. The BCDI experiments were performed at the I-07 beamline at Diamond Light Source, UK. The diffraction pattern of individual gold nanocrystals was measured around the (11-1) Bragg peak of gold before and after iron deposition as a function of temperature and time. Phase retrieval algorithms were used to obtain real space reconstructions of the nanocrystals from their measured diffraction patterns. Alloying of iron with gold at sample temperatures of 300 °C–500 °C and dealloying of iron from gold at 600 °C were observed. The volume of the alloyed region in the nanocrystals was found to increase with the dose of iron. However, no significant time dependence was observed for the structure following each iron deposition, suggesting that the samples reached equilibrium relatively quickly. The resulting phase distribution within the gold nanocrystals after the iron depositions suggests a contraction due to diffusion of iron. Our results show that BCDI is a useful technique for studying diffusion in three dimensions and alloying behaviour in individual crystalline grains

    Complexity without chaos: Plasticity within random recurrent networks generates robust timing and motor control

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    It is widely accepted that the complex dynamics characteristic of recurrent neural circuits contributes in a fundamental manner to brain function. Progress has been slow in understanding and exploiting the computational power of recurrent dynamics for two main reasons: nonlinear recurrent networks often exhibit chaotic behavior and most known learning rules do not work in robust fashion in recurrent networks. Here we address both these problems by demonstrating how random recurrent networks (RRN) that initially exhibit chaotic dynamics can be tuned through a supervised learning rule to generate locally stable neural patterns of activity that are both complex and robust to noise. The outcome is a novel neural network regime that exhibits both transiently stable and chaotic trajectories. We further show that the recurrent learning rule dramatically increases the ability of RRNs to generate complex spatiotemporal motor patterns, and accounts for recent experimental data showing a decrease in neural variability in response to stimulus onset

    Primeiro isolamento no Brasil de herpesvirus eqüino tipo 1 em um cavalo com doença neurológica

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    O presente relato refere-se ao primeiro isolamento no Brasil do herpesvírus eqüino tipo 1 (HVE-1) proveniente de um caso clínico de mieloncefalopatia herpética em uma égua, que evoluiu para o óbito. O isolado do HVE-1, denominado 07/05, foi obtido a partir de uma amostra de líquor na primeira passagem em células Vero, confirmando-se sua identidade pela PCR e pela prova de neutralização viral. Como o isolamento viral a partir do líquor geralmente não é bem sucedido, conforme demonstrado em vários relatos de casos, o presente achado sugere que a doença neurológica foi causada por uma amostra particularmente neurovirulenta de HVE-1This report describes the first Brazilian equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) isolation from a single fatal equine herpes myeloencephalopathy case in a mare. The isolation of EHV-1 was confirmed from the first passage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample in Vero cells by PCR and virus neutralization assay. As virus isolation from CSF is unlikely to be successful, as has been shown in several case reports, this circumstantial evidence suggests that the neurological disease was caused by particularly neurovirulent strain of EHV-1FAPES

    Combination antiretroviral therapy and the risk of myocardial infarction

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